Sitemap - 2022 - Money and Meaning

The year-end audit

This Christmas, get what you really want

The ordinary is everything

Yes, there are two paths you can go by

This week is brought to you by the letter B

Happy thanks-getting

Turning 50: Becoming Real

Ending my 40s...

Climate change is only a symptom, part 2

Climate change is only a symptom, part 1

Why do we work so much?

Naps and the shadows

Everything we do will be most drastically experienced by the next generation

A game of "Would you rather?"

Work is a pie-eating contest

A 5 question quiz of your financial literacy

A humanistic concept of net worth

Personal finance and racial justice, part 3

Personal Finance and Racial Justice, part 2

Personal finance and racial justice Part 1

How to Change Your Heart

There is enough for everyone

Give yourself the First Hour

Stress and stuff

The Abounding River

Happy Independence Day

The only goal is to accept the present

Putting ourselves back together

Sometimes grace requires surgery

Tea time

Love is an act of imagination

What if you don't trust the system enough to invest?

How can I save when I fear there might not be a future?

Carol is not rich, but she is wealthy

You and I are the problem

Lagom and Chisoku Anbun

Delightful minimalism: a manifesto

We have a lifelong relationship with money

Dissatisfaction is a feature, not a bug (part 2)

How I retired at 42 despite only making $36k a year.

Credit cards a bigger issue than inflation

Dissatisfaction is a feature, not a bug (part 1)

Home renovations: cost or investment?

Thoughts on inflation. Jubilee Fund update