I have struggled with the idea that flying and traveling and doing other such modern activities are something I need to limit. Basically, I end up repressing myself and my desires in attempts to not consume those consumptive things, or I consume them anyway and just feel bad about it. I have found that when I bring a restrictive attitude to anything, it creates a relationship that I don’t want to be in. Where I am currently at is giving myself permission to do the things I desire and let go limiting myself. Maybe living intuitively will lead us to participating in more fulfilling activities which naturally lessens our consumptiveness. I know that for myself I want to travel and drive a car but I also want to spend time with friends, eat delicious food with people I enjoy, dance, sing, jump in cold rivers, and soak in hot springs. I want to trust myself and my desires rather than experience myself as a harm due to my desires.

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You wrestle with these issues so honestly and with such heart, Emma! Thank you. I'll give you two more thoughts.

1. Wouldn't every person concerned with climate change say the same thing? And that's the problem.

2. As someone in your early 20s with lower income and spending, this is eminently reasonable. But what will you do when you make three times, or five times, or 10 times as much as you do now? (and you will, dear Emma)

The world will be shaped by what you do with your money.

with love, Douglas

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