Your dad is so wise! Love the entire of your Doing Nothing series. We get conditioned from young that we need to strive, that the future is better than now. The unlearning is so important - we can already enjoy the now even with all its imperfections.

As one who meditates, I realize that there can be a whole range of senses/ emotions - all are already available to us.

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Let me know if you have anything interesting to say about meditating and doing nothing!

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Yes! I just published an article on tea and meditation recently. Have also written about it on my Substack. Do check them out https://peckgee.substack.com/about

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Wow, what a beautiful image of your father, and a wise man indeed!

It sure sounds like he found "enoughness" ... A state of being that I think we all (myself included) are pursuing.

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... and the pursuing is the not-enoughness!

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